Data Types in Visual Basic .Net

Data types in computer programming language mean what type of data can hold a variable. As in any other programming language in Visual Basic also, when you declare a variable, you have to inform the compiler that which type of data is going to hold the variable.

Syntax for variable declaration in VB.Net

Dim Variable_Name As DataType

Here the keyword Dim is used to declare the variable Variable_Name, which will be declared as the data type DataType.

Examples for variable declaration in VB.Net

Dim a As Integer

Declaring a as integer type data.

Dim s As String

Declaring s as string type data.

Visual Basic .Net supports the following data types:


VB supports the boolean data type which stores only two boolean values; true(1) or false(o).


A byte data type stores the values from 0 to 255 with  1-byte storage allocation.


The char type allocates 2 bytes in memory and can store values from o to 65535.


A date type is used to declare a variable as a date. It needs 8 bytes to allocate storage.


It stores the values with up to 28 digits after the decimal point. Needs 16 bytes of memory.


It can hold more range values than integer type, also supports values with decimal points. It needs 8 bytes in memory.


An integer type variable can store values ranging from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. It needs only 4 bytes for allocation.


The long type variable can store values ranging from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. The storage space is same as double type.


If you declare a variable in Object type, it can hold any type of data. An object type variable needs 4 bytes in 32-bit computer and 8 bytes on a 64-bit computer for memory allocation.


A string type data can hold string values which include 0 to 2 billion Unicode characters.

These are the major data types in the Visual Basic .Net.