Mouse & Keyboard Events in VB.Net

The events in a Visual Basic.Net program are of two types: user generated events and system generated events. The user-generated events occur when the user actions key press, clicks, mouse movements, etc. are happening. System generated events are the notifications in the computer.

An event in a program is an action which occurs when clicking on a button, typing some texts or moving the mouse and that calls a function or causing for another event.

Event Handling in VB.Net

VB.Net is an event optimized programming language, so it is called an event-driven programming language. I have already discussed the concept of event driven programming in Visual Basic.Net.

VB.Net mainly provide the following two events.

  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events

VB.Net Mouse Events

Mouse events occur by the actions of the mouse in a Windows form, such as mouse move and mouse click. The following are the mouse events in Visual Basic.Net.

  • MouseDown – occurs when a mouse button is pressed.
  • MouseEnter – occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control.
  • MouseHover – occurs when the mouse pointer hovers over the control
  • MouseLeave – occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control.
  • MouseMove – occurs when the mouse pointer moves over the control.
  • MouseUp – occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control, and the mouse button is released.
  • MouseWheel – occurs when the mouse wheel moves and the control has the focus.

VB.Net Keyboard Events

Mouse events occur by the actions of the keyboard in a Windows form, such as key press and key up. The following are the keyboard events in Visual Basic.Net.

  • KeyDown – occurs when a key is pressed down and the control has focus.
  • KeyPress – occurs when a key is pressed and the control has focus.
  • KeyUp – occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.