C Program to Check a Armstrong Number with Algorithm

C Program to Check a Armstrong Number with Algorithm

Here we discuss the C Program to Check a Armstrong Number with the help of step by step algorithm.


Write a C Program to Check weather a given number is Armstrong or not.


Step 1: Begin

Step 2: Read an integer value and assign to a variable num

Step 3: Copy the value of num into a variable temp

Step 4: Initialize an integer variable result as 0 and repeat steps 5 to 7 till the condition(temp!=0) become                false

Step 5: Calculate reminder variable,r using formula : r= temp%10

Step 6: Update result as result+(r*r*r)

Step 7: Update temp as temp/10

Step 8: Check whether num==result, if yes, do step 9 else step 10

Step 9: Print ” Given number is an Armstrong ”

Step 10: Print ” Given number is not an Armstrong ”

Step 11: End

C Program to Check a Armstrong Number

//include header files


void main()
	// variable's declarations and initialization
	int num, result=0, r, temp;
	//read a number > 0
	printf("Enter a number greater than zero :");
	scanf("%d", &num);

	//while loop to check whether a given number is Armstrong or not
	while( temp!= 0 )
		r= temp % 10;
		result= result + ( r*r*r);
		temp= temp / 10;

	//print result
	if( temp == result )
		printf("\n %d is an Armstrong number. ");
	printf("\n %d is not an Armstrong number. ");


Enter a number greater than zero: 371

371 is an Armstrong number.

Enter a number greater than zero:300

300 is not an Armstrong number.