WannaCry ransomware Attack – All You Need To Know
WannaCry is a ransomware program which was targeting about 20,0000 computers running Microsoft’s Windows operating system from Friday (12-5-2017). Here is how WannaCry ransomware attacks your home or office computer.
By now, from 150 countries around the world, about 23,0000 computers have affected by the ransomware attack. WannaCry is targeting Microsoft based computers mostly of government and business organisations. In the UK many of the Hospital and Gas station computers has so far affected by this trojan. The WannaCry is not a small trojan as it has already hit the large companies like Telefonica and many other companies in Spain.
What is WannaCry ransomware Attack?
WannaCry is a ransomware computer virus program which targets about 230000 computers running Microsoft’s Windows operating system. Most of these computers are of Government and Business authorities.
WannaCry encrypts the user files and programs and demands ransom payments in the cryptocurrency bitcoin in 28 languages to decrypt the user files. The demanding amount starts from $300 and up to $600.
What Happens to Your Computer When it Attacks?
Once the WannaCry is claimed into your computer, your important files are encrypted by the ransomware program. This means that many of your photos, documents, databases, videos and any other files are no longer accessible because they have encrypted.
How to Recover my Files Once WannaCry Claimed my Computer?
The creator of claims that, once the WannaCry affected your computer you can’t recover your files in any other ways than the WannaCry’s decryption service. But you know that WannaCry’s decryption services require you to pay a huge amount of $300 to $600 to decrypt your data.
The WannaCry provides you 3 days to submit the payment, after that for next four days the amount will be doubled. If you couldn’t pay within seven days, you won’t be able to recover your files forever. If you can’t pay the amount they offer free events to recover data within six months.
How Do I Pay?
The payments to decrypt your files are only allowed through the bitcoins. So that you have to buy some bitcoins.